Selasa, 03 April 2018


January, 27th 2018.

actually, today is saturday, and time to take a rest, but my coordinator from Xavier University invite me to meet with their student college to presentating about indonesia education system, I really happy about it, because I want to they know everything about Indonesia. so I decided to tell about curriculum 2013.

the day before, I made a power point about definition, characterism, implementation curriculum 2013,and I practice to speaking well so I won't be nervous tomorrow, hehe.

so, today on 08.00 a.m I will show to them about my curicculum.
first, I tell about the history about name of curriculum 2013 is take from the year that we implementing the curriculum in Indonesia.
second, I tell about curriculum 2013 is integrated of all subject and became one theme, so in one theme consist of several subject.
third, I tell that curriculum 2013 is student centered, so teacher only as fasilitator and manager of class, and the student will solving the problem.

here my picture of powerpoint.

after that, they asking me about curriculum 2013, can you give example about the implementation of PBL (problem based learning) to junior high school student ? I answer : the example is : hydroponic, we know that flower can developing with water, but what happen if no water again in this world ? so as a teacher we must introducing to them about another solution, yes hydroponic is one of the good solution because we can developing the flower without water. and they're understand and give me applause. Thanks all.

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