Minggu, 01 April 2018


January, 25th 2018.

I'm really happy to come in south city central school today because I will meet my cutest pupils, hehe. they're really handsome and pretty, and they're very small and cute, I always take a picture with them at rest time.
From today I will doing orientation about south city central school, specially in teaching method, so I stay in mam nichelou class, today she is teaching about a capital word, a poem, drawing, recognize month, recognize shape, and recognize colour. I really like about her teaching method, because she can handle all her pupils especially she teach grade 1 when the pupils is easy to bored, hard to focus, likes to playing, talking with friend, but when mam nichelou is talking, all of them is listen and focus with her.

after she finish teaching, at rest time, I ask to her what the secret about she can handle all of pupils grade 1 ? she told me that "you must tell to them you're teacher, and give limited to them between inside the class and outside the class, and you must realize that you're actor in the class, you have to know when you're serious, when you're kidding with them, when you're angry with them, so they can follow you and listen to you".

wow, I get more experience from mam nichelou, and based my observation, she never rude to her pupils, she never hit, pinch, twist her pupils, so it's very good, because sometime teacher grade 1 can't control their emotion when the student always playing, always talking and not understand about the material.

one again, teaching method by mam nichelou is : she always give apperception to them about the material today, she always do a question and answer, so will be student center in this lesson, when one of them is not listen, she will ask to the student to answer the questions, after that sometime she give prize to pupils who the best today like enthusiastic to listen and answer the question.

Thank you mam nichelou because of you, I will implementing this good teaching method

6 komentar:

  1. You've worked hard mega, keep humble and keep fighting!!!

  2. Wow you very lucky..
    Congratulation meegaaa

  3. very inspiring!!!
    nice article, keep writing!!!

  4. Congratulation mega. Keep fighting!!

  5. I like your blog, because you give me knowledge about education system in Philippines
    Good job mega!!!

  6. many times I told you that you are one of the best people I have, because you always motivate me ❤
