Jumat, 06 April 2018


February, 8th 2018.

I.                   Learning Objectives          :
Cognitive              : Indicate time to the nearest 15 minutes of an hour like 1:15, 1:30, 1:45
Psychomotor         : Read and write time as shown on the clock.
Affective               : Finish the assigned task on time

II.                Learning Content              :
Skill                       : Indicating time to the nearest 15 minutes of an hour
Reference              : BEC PELC III A 3.1
Materials               : Clock, cut outs of hands, number cards
Value                     : Being responsible

III.             Learning experience          :
Teacher’s Activity
Pupil’s Activity
A.    Preparatory Activities

1.      Drill
a.       Show cut outs of hands in the pocket chart. Ask the pupils the number of fingers on each hand. Let them count the fingers by 5s
(5 second)
b.      Prepare small cards with number 5,10,15, written on them. Put them on the chalk ledge. Let the pupils get the numbers and put them under each hand.
c.       Teacher may also use the number line in counting by 5s (5 second).

2.      Review
a.       Let the pupils take out their toy clocks. Instruct them to set their clocks to a certain time. Tell them to take turns in asking one another about the time shown on their clock.
b.      Teacher calls two pupils up front. Ask 1 pupil to write the time mentioned by the other pupil on the board. Ask more pupils to do the same.

3.      Motivation
Tell the class a story.

Mother told jimmy to clean the house shile she was away. Jimmy looked at the clock. It was 8:00 A.M. Jimmy’s friends came and they played marbles. He forgot the time and ask the task he was assigned to do. Soon, mother came back.

Teacher asks :
-          What will happen ?
-          How will mother feel ?
-          If you were jimmy, what would you have done first ? how would you feel if you do your assigned task and finish it on time ?

Pupils will counting starts 5,10,15,20,25,30,35,40,45,50,55,60.

Pupils will show their toy clocks. And pupils show time like 1:15, 1:30, 1:45, 2:00

Possible answer from pupils:
-          Jimmy forgot to clean the house.
-          Mother will feel disapointed and angry with jimmy.
-          Clean my house, after that plays marbles with my friend.

B.     Development Activities
1.      Presentation
a.       Show the clock set at 8:30. Teacher says,”it was 8:30 when mother come”.
b.      Discuss :
-          tell the pupils to look at the position of the long and short hands.
-          Ask “did the long hand move all the way from 1 to 12 ? from 1 to 6 ? what about the short hand ?
-          Teacher shows why it is 30. Let them count by 5s from 1-6.
-          Teacher shows the movement of the long hand from 1- 3. Ask how many minutes have past ?
c.       Teacher sets the clock to different timer and asks pupils to tell the time.
2: 30           6:45
4:15            5:30
d.      Tell the pupils to get their toy clock.
Instruct them to set their clocks at :
1:45      5:45      6:30
3:30      8:15      9:30
e.       Children are called to take turns in asking each other. (they set their own clock to the time they want).
f.       Teacher shows the way to write the time correctly.
8:45         7:30       10:15

2.      Fixing Skill/ Practice
a.       Provide practice by letting the pupils write the time on a sheet of paper (time is shown on the clock).
b.      Let the children work in pairs. The teacher reads a sentence. One child will set the clock to that time and the other child will write it on a sheet of paper.
Example :
The children went home at 11:30
Father fixed the fence at 7:45

3.      Generalization
How many minutes have passed when the long hand moves from 1 to 6 ? from 1 to 3 ? from 1 to 9 ?

Valuing : if you have work to do at school or at home, are you willing to do it ? do you do your work without being told ? are you responsible enough to do the work even without the teacher telling you ?

C.     Application
Teacher gives problems for the pupils to solve.

Ask : what is the correct answer ?
1.      Dindo went to school at 6:00. The flag ceremony started after 30 minutes. What time was the flag ceremony ?
2.      Jan started eating snacks at 3:00. She finished eating after 15 minutes. What time did jan finish eating ?
3.      Leslie started reviewing her spelling at 8:45. She finished reviewing after 30 minutes. What time did she finish reviewing ?
4.      Mrs. Dela cruz started distributing the tray at 9:30. But 30 minutes before that time, she prepared the tray. What time did she prepare the tray ?
5.      Rose started checking papers at 10:30. She stopped for 15 minutes to rest. What time will she check the papers again ?

Possible answer from pupils :
1.      The flag ceremony will start at 6:30 A.M
2.      Jan finish eating at 3:15
3.      Leslie finish reviewing at 9 :15
4.      Mrs. Dela cruz prepared the tray at 9:00
5.      Rose will check the paper at 10:45

IV.             Evaluation
                               Here is the schedule of what pupils will do in school.
A.M     6:15     Cleaning the room
            6:30     Attending the flag ceremony
            10:15   Recess
            11:00   Reading books
P.M     12:45   having computer lessons
            1:30     studying at the library

1.      What time do the pupils have their recess ?
2.      What time do they clean the room ?
3.      What is the activity at 1:30 ?
4.      What is the activity at 6:30 ?
5.      What time do they have computer lessons ?

V.                Assignment
Write 5 things your family does on Sundays and the time you do such activities.

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